Sunday, September 27, 2009

Personality Test!

Here you had a great chance to know about yourself. This test was devised by our very own Deadly Poor Jokes Team!!!!!!!
It tells about your personality just by your choice.

Imagine you walked into a small hut by the river in the jungle.

You pushed open the door, in front of you were 7 small beds to the right of the hut, and another 7 small chairs surrounding a small round table.

In the middle of the table is a food tray with 5 types of fruits in it.

They are:

a. Apple

b. Banana

c. Strawberry

d. Peach

e. Orange

Which fruit will u choose?Your choice reveals one aspect of your personality!












Here are the results.

a. if you chosen apple: that means you are a person who loves to eat apple.

b. if you chosen banana: that means you are a person who loves to eat banana.

c. if you chosen strawberry: that means you are a person who loves to eat strawberry.

d. if you chosen peach: that means you are a person who loves to eat peach.

e. if you chosen orange: that means you are a person who loves to eat orange.



  1. eeeeekkk...

    i mean, i have always _loved_ oranges :D :P

  2. lol... i have always loves Oranges :P

  3. Chhaya,
    And I love strawberries :D
    Thanks for commenting.

  4. chalo pata to chala dat i love oranges...!

  5. Yay! I like strawberries!!! I had never known that about myself before!!! ^ 3^ lol
